What Does It Really Mean To Be Part of a Team?

by Georgia Monk on 10th February 2023

Life is so short, can you really go to a job every day that you don’t enjoy around a team of people that you just can’t get along with? So can being part of a team really change the way you feel about getting out of bed every single morning? Here at Capsule, absolutely. Having a great team adds so many benefits to your job such as an extended support system, fun team outings, a level of trust with your team members to help you complete a job to the highest standard and so many more. Not only from a personal perspective, having a good team is so vital to business productivity, quality of work and general success.


So what do we consider to be a good team member?

Everyone will have their own opinions on what they think a good team member would be and these shift slightly depending on what department we’re in. For example someone in the finance department would want a team member who was good at numbers, reporting and accuracy as well as all the generic personality features we consider to be good to be around such as being positive, caring, mindful etc. But we have to take a step back to realise that what we expect in other team members we should promote in ourselves. You cannot expect to be part of a great team if you are not able to be a team player. As they say you are only as strong as your weakest link, so if you don’t pull your weight, how do you expect the team to do so?


So why is it important to be part of a team?

Research actually shows that collaboration in problem solving leads to better results. Team members are more likely to offer alternative solutions and offer calculated risks that lead to innovative solutions with a group behind them. Working in a team also encourages; efficient work, personal growth in knowledge learning from each other, healthy competition, reduces stress and increases job satisfaction. Alongside this having a team willing to lend a helping hand, offer training and support leads to less burnout. Having a flexible team is so important. By sharing workload during busy times we reduce stress on individual team members and avoid burnout therefore overall throughout the year reducing sick days, improving productivity and profitability for your business. You can read about how we look after our mental health at Capsule in this article.

The team at Capsule is one of our main values and without the team we have, we simply wouldn’t be able to deliver the high quality of work and quick turnaround jobs. Not only that, as a member of the Capsule team of 4 years, the support network of friends, not just colleagues is imperative to a happy working life.

Georgia Monk

Written by Georgia Monk

Georgia is our Lead Website Developer with a fantastic knowledge of the WordPress content management system. After completing her apprenticeship and working as a frontend developer at a local agency she joined our team. A typical day for Georgia involves building and maintaining websites for all of our clients. Georgia has a bright and bubbly personality that is reflected through her work. Despite being a web developer extraordinaire, at the weekend she’s a dance superstar running her own school. Some say she brings a whole new lease of life to the kick-ball-change, all we know is that she’s a huge chocolate lover and adores her new pet kittens!

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