How I use AI as a Digital Marketer

by Besjona Morina on 19th April 2024

So by now, you would have probably heard about AI or even used it yourself. AI stands for artificial intelligence and the possibilities are endless. Some may even say that AI will replace us at our jobs one day…that’s a conversation for a different day. Today I will be going through the different ways I use AI more specifically Chat GPT at my workplace. This will help those who want to have that extra help but do not want the entirety of their work to be done by AI, in all honesty, nothing beats the human touch! 


Here are the different ways I use AI as a marketer:


Social Media

Something I always struggle with is thinking of new fresh ideas for social media posts, with many posts being repetitive it can be hard to think of different captions, this is where Chat GPT comes in. The way I use this is by asking Chat GPT to write me a caption for a social post about the specific topic I want to post about, almost instantly I will get a caption, however, it doesn’t end here. Although Chat GPT is very smart I do still find that I need to change the wording to be more specific to what I want to post about and remove some emojis as it can be a bit of an overload. I may also add some of my own copy that I have thought about and merge the two to create the perfect caption. The trouble with just using Chat GPT is that the writing style is almost always the same and people can tell that it isn’t authentic. In today’s world of AI authenticity is very important, so my tip would be to use Chat GPT as a starting point which you can edit, personalise and perfect yourself. 


Blogs and Copy 

This is similar to what I do with social media posts. If I am writing a blog or copy for a website for example and I dont know where to start I will put a prompt in Chat GPT to write me a template or even a blog/copy about the topic. However, I would never use the raw Chat GPT copy, I will take this and edit it similar to what I do with social posts and personalise the copy. Usually, when doing this the ideas also start flowing and I will usually start adding on to the copy and removing bits that I dont think are suitable. 



Have you ever had to write a difficult email but unsure how to structure it or how to make it sound professional and positive? Chat GPT can be a great tool to help you write and structure your emails. 



However talented or good we are at our job sometimes we do just get stuck for new and fresh ideas. Sometimes when I need ideas for various tasks or projects but nothing comes to mind however much I try, I will then turn to Chat GPT. Most of the time I don’t use the exact ideas they give me but by using it and reading the response it gives me my ideas then usually start flowing also. Sometimes we just need a trigger this is especially the case if you work from home this can be difficult as you aren’t always talking with your colleagues and bouncing ideas off each other. 


Of course, there are many different ways you can use AI as a marketer but these are just some ways I have found it useful in my role at Capsule. AI is very helpful however I don’t think it will be replacing our jobs anytime soon, nothing beats the human touch!


Besjona Morina

Written by Besjona Morina

Besjona is our marketing assistant, an advertising graduate from the University of East London. During her time at Capsule, she has developed her skills in Marketing. She also works alongside Debbie to help with the admin side of things, ensuring the correct payments are made. You’ll normally find her working in Mailchimp, creating reports and content.In her free time, she likes keeping fit by going to the gym, reading new books, baking and finding a new destination to travel to!

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